Apartment List

Apartment List

apartment check list

New Apartment List

One very simple yet disregarded free resource many landlords overlook are free apartment listings on Craigslist. This simple and free advertising medium is a fantastic resource to add to your property management marketing plan.

I’m not talking about basic printed newspaper classified ads though. Craigslist is sooooo more than that.

The best way to use Craigslist ads is to offer a free report or local guide as an incentive in your classified ad. Don’t just advertise your rental unit like every landlord does.

If you don’t do or offer something different then your property will just look like every other rental property and you won’t get many renters.

You see numerous classifieds that meet your search criteria and begin to read the ads.

After you read a few standard ads you come across a rental ad which offers a free report about the ’12 Questions You Should Ask Before Choosing an Apartment’. By offering that report, you have differentiated yourself, created something of value for the renter, and obtained an advantage over the other landlords and property managers. Also, you control the questions in the renters’ mind before they call another rental property.

After they’ve read your report, they’ll be more apt to call you even if your rental rate is higher because you provided something of value, educated them, and saved them some time and money.

See how powerful a strategy combining free apartment listings with a free report can be? Craigslist classified ads are simple, free, and easy to create. This is a powerful way to build a list of prospective renters and build relationships with those prospective renters.

Craigslist is the most cost effective source of rental leads. Get more calls from qualified renters for zero dollars with Craigslist.

(Executive Summary about Apartment List by T Desmond Duncan)

Just thought you may be interested in reading this guide: House Worth and Cheap Apartments

Apartment List


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